
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Easter!!!!!!!!

Hi keeping with this very Holy Week I am skipping the party......hope you will all join me again next week!!! I just want to extend blessings to  all  to have a happy Easter and Passover.  I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life.....and all my blogger friends that I have met during this new journey of mine. I appreciate the time you take to leave your sweet comments....and to join my party each week. Sometimes when I go to the bigger blogs I  get a little discouraged, then I think hey its quality not quantity!!!!!! LOL LOL Enjoy my friends!!!!!


  1. You have a lovely blog; don't be discouraged.

  2. I think alot of us struggle with that, Deb! Comparison can be a dangerous and destructive thing sometimes. Don't get discouraged, stay focused on your own journey and trust that God will bring you just what YOU need. You have a lovely blog, and I always enjoy coming by!
    Blessings to you and your family, and happy Easter!


  3. Happy Easter to you Deb and I hope you have a lovely week of rest. Blessings, Patti


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