
Sunday, September 15, 2013

To Ektorp Or Not To Ektorp....That Is The Question....

Hi all.. The weather is getting cooler at the Jersey Shore... and though I will miss Summer.. I am an Autumn Girl ,,,,,!!' I am back to school...and still working on some major projects in my home! We are still working on the kitchen...searching for just the right butcher block counter. Need something beautiful and cheap!!! Lol I also have been pondering a sectional sofa. My couch is only three years old, it was a housewarming gift from my hubby. It is still in great shape....but alas I have contracted the slip covered sectional bug!!! Damn that Pottery Barn!!!!! Lol So it began....the search.... Although my taste is PB... my pocketbook is not!!!! So.... you guessed it.... IKEA!!!! I read every review on the net about the Ektorp vs PB. Then I realized something I always knew.... you get what you pay for!!!! Yes the PB one is better made... deeper... and perhaps more comfortable....but DOUBLE the price!!!!! So I dragged the Hubby to IKEA.... sat on the Ektorp.... and to my surprise it was pretty nice!!!! Now Bleiking White or Savnby Beige? lol The next debate. The white is washable... the beige dry clean. I love the white... but not the washing and putting back on which I have learned is quite a job!! So I went with the beige... more expensive... total cost with delivery 1100 $ .I do not have it yet, oh and it comes in four boxes.. Lol... needs to be put together. The hubby is over the moon about that!!!! LOL I will post a pick when we are putting them together... till then some pics of my last batch of my Hydrangias!!!!!



Got this cute canister at Home Goods!!!!


Little bunches of fresh flowers... $6 .... Wal Mart!!!!