
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bittersweet Autumn Wreath...

I am so fussy about the wreath that will adorn my front door!!! To me it sets the tone for what is to come when you enter someone's home. I change mine according to the season.. and I like them to be BIG!!!' LOL Unlike many talented bloggers... I am not really a DIY girl. I would love to make lots of things , but I am always short on time!!!! So I hunt on Etsy etc for that one of a kind .... must have item !!!! But I am also on a budget.... so.....I must always hunt for a bargain..... This wreath was a winner!!!! I got this one at TJ Maxx for only 25 bucks!!!! It has my beloved Bittersweet and great corn husks too!!!!By the time I purchased the stuff and made it, I think it was worth it to buy!!!!! Now I am on the hunt for my Christmas wreath......


Added my own burlap ribbon....

This Bittersweet looks so real....


The corn husk is so Fallish... is that a word ? LOL

I love that it is so big!!!!!


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ikea Sectional Reveal !!!!!

Hi all ... After much debate I purchased my Ektorp sectional from Ikea!!!! I must say it is great!!!!! I ended up getting the Beige heavier fabric cover and it is very durable so far... And my puppy is all over it!!!! LOL It was easy to put together.... and so far no complaints. Considering it is SO much cheaper than the PB one... I think I made a wise and economical choice! The cushions are on the firm side...but my family still thinks it is very comfortable. I am glad I got the Ikea sectional... with the Pottery Barn look!!!! Speaking of PB... I am going to the Outlet in Lancaster on Sunday!!!!! So excited... so is the Hubby!!!!! LOL LOL I will post about my new acquisitions !!!!








Sneak peek at my Dining Room Reveal!!!!!